Tag: Heart
Organs and emotions
I tried castor oil compress, the way Edgar Casey recommended. This is the post I wrote about two years ago. http://peacewings.com/i-tried-castor-oil-compress/ On the second day of the oil compress, I had a lot of eye discharge only from the right eye. The first week I started this, I smelt the same as when your cold…
Open Your Chakra goods for Yoga and more
Open and Control Your Chakra T-Shirt by peacewing Chakra is “Qi” = power flow There are seven chakras in each person. Let’s see what each chakras stands for.. Root Chakra (Red) Represents Vitality / locates at butt. (*^_^*) Sacral Chakra (Orange) Partnership / locates at lower abdomen under navel button Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow) willpower / upper abdomen Heart…