Category: Kawaii

  • Cool Japanese Music Vol 3 : Sheena Ringo

    Another singer who got me hooked from 2015 Kohaku is Sheena Ringo. I’ve heard her name and songs before 2015, and she’s been on Kohaku since 2011, but I have glued to her song “long and short festival – This is Hell or Heaven” on Kohaku 2015! She was so cool. It was a fusion…

  • Cool Japanese Music Vol 1 : Sekai No Owari (End of the world)

    I haven’t listened to many Japanese songs since I came to the U.S., but I do watch the annual Kohaku Uta Gassen at the end of the year. I thought, “This is it!” Sekainoowari appeared for the first time in 2014. The song “Dragon Night” was so good that I listened to all the other…

  • Halloween and Desire for transformation

    In Japan, Halloween is one of the most exciting days now but I’m not sure when I got to know about Halloween. I becoming to know about it around early teenager ages and thought that is a very fun holiday to do. Wear a costume and visit neighbors for candies. When I was 7 though,…

  • Ukulele is fun and easy to get started

    I’ve written about I started guitar while covid quarantine time. Before that, we had a ukulele given by a friend. My daughter held and play an ABC song when she was around 3 and that was so cute. I videoed that. That ukulele was broke by accident so I got another one on her birthday.…

  • Study JapaneseKatakana Chart

    Japanese Alphabet   Katakana chart for beginners! Modern Japanese is written with a mixture of hiragana and katakana, plus kanji. Katakana is a phonetic alphabet for foreign words and names. like MacDonald, マクドナルド、ski スキー. Alice = アリス、Ramen = ラーメン This chart has the alphabet to help you read.