Category: Love

  • Divine Song List – Fuji Kaze Hana (Flower)

    Every time I hear Fujii Kaze sing, I think I know how you feel when you are enlightened. You are healed and or connected to the source. You are me, I am you, everything is connected, and the world reflects how you are. So, it is very important to keep your inner self clean. Right?…

  • decluttering is difficult

    I live in a small apartment, but I had to build a home office in a corner of my house. In the living room, I’m going to clear out the desk I have for my daughter that she doesn’t use and the “large shelf with miscellaneous things on it” next to it, and put a…

  • Image Strategy

    It’s been weeks now since the day Russia attacked Ukraine. I just glance at the news and feel helpless, not being able to do anything about these big battles and the course of history. The real impact on me, a California resident, is the cost of gasoline, which is starting to look more and more…

  • Don’t Look Up : Netflix Movie : DiCaprio

    I watched Don’t look up, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, on Netflix. I saw something on Yahoo News about Master Leo and his young girlfriend. In the article, it says he only goes out with women under the age of 25. What? I thought. Well, they’re flirting, and I’m jealous. I Google DiCaprio’s name and saw that…

  • Matrix4 Resurrections No Spoilers Review

    I joined HBO Max I heard that Matrix Resurrection, Matrix 4 is available on HBO Max for $14.95/month, so I joined. It’s about the same price as one person at the movie theater. We can watch other stuff too. a spoiler-free little synopsis & impression. Thomas Anderson is a successful game creator who made the…