Category: Love

  • Peace sign with wings

    Peace Wing T-shirt Hi! Thank you for visiting

  • Adjusting in life in the U.S.. after 20 years in here.

    Asian (including me) in my neighborhood. There are people from all over the world in the city where I live. Not only Japanese (me), Korean, Chinese, Indian, Middle Eastern.. My images for living in here is, each of us have our own community and not mingle with each other. There are not only one, but…

  • Love and Peace Skull T-shirt

    Love and Peace Skull How many ancestors can you go back? For me, mom and dad, grandma, grandpa one more set of great grandma and pa and… maybe that’s it. I know there should be more generations goes back but can’t imagine it. Many people had lived their lives and passed. For sure some people…