Peace Wing blog

Study JapaneseKatakana Chart
Japanese Alphabet Katakana chart for beginners! Modern Japanese is written with a mixture of hiragana and katakana, plus kanji. Katakana is a phonetic alphabet for foreign words and names. like MacDonald, マクドナルド、ski スキー. Alice = アリス、Ramen = ラーメン This chart has the alphabet to help you read.
Study Japanese! Learn Hiragana poster
Let’s study Japanese! The modern Japanese writing system uses Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. Put this poster on the wall and get used to the letters! ありがとう (Thank you) さようなら (goodbye) かわいい (Cute) Type Japanese on your computer! You can type Japanese easily after you enable to set up your computer/keyboard to type in Japanese. a i u e o…
Netflix : Japanese reality show : Terrace House
Japanese hit reality show series “Terrance House” 3 guys, 3 girls, living under one roof, they’ll know each other slowly and confess your crush. If they become a couple, they’ll leave the house together, if not, leave alone. I’ve heard about this show a lot, saw about net news, but never seen an episode before.…
Organs and emotions
I tried castor oil compress, the way Edgar Casey recommended. This is the post I wrote about two years ago. On the second day of the oil compress, I had a lot of eye discharge only from the right eye. The first week I started this, I smelt the same as when your cold…
Bicycle : green way to commute
My car is at the body shop for a few days. I rode my bicycle to work today. It takes 5 minutes to get to the parking lot, after getting to the entrance, It takes 2 minutes to get to the noncovered 5th floor. It takes about the same time by bicycle. I can just…
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