Tag: costume t-shirt

  • Halloween and Desire for transformation

    In Japan, Halloween is one of the most exciting days now but I’m not sure when I got to know about Halloween. I becoming to know about it around early teenager ages and thought that is a very fun holiday to do. Wear a costume and visit neighbors for candies. When I was 7 though,…

  • Halloween Costume T-shirt – Label GMO Skull

    People around me were talking about pork price will be up and might not be able to buy them anymore. The new law will be enforced from January 2022 to give more living spaces to livestock. I’ve heard about that for chickens and cows, but maybe to give space to pork is the hardest for…

  • Black Cat’s Eye T-shirt for Halloween

    People would ask if you like cats or dogs. I like both, can’t choose, don’t have either one, have fish and a bird. I used to have a dog and she shows full of love. I dreamed about having a cat when I was young because I loved the manga the character liked cats and…

  • Halloween is coming soon! Zombie t-shirts

    You’ll find Halloween goods from August. I went to Hobby Lobby at the beginning of August and saw all orange pumpkins, I wasn’t sure what month or season right now and felt dizzy. Kids like to wear heroes or cosplay but classics are witches or zombies, something scary. What’s the scariest? For me, retirement. I…