How to gain psychic power?
I searched up how to open my third eye (pineal gland) so that may I can see people’s aura. Then, I found out what’s good and bad for the pineal gland health. I haven’t used fluoride toothpaste for at least 2 years since I already knew fluoride is bad for the pineal gland.
The list of the food that good for your 6th Chakra (Third Eye)
- Watercress
- pineapple
- avocado
- coconut
- bananas
Not sure if the coconut water count, but that’s the easy solution! I went to nearby Sprouts and got watercress for the first time. I got avocado and bananas the other day and they were not ripe at all. I need help from my 6th chakra to see what to pick nicely ripen ones..

The Youtube that I watched for what’s good for the Pineal Gland