Category: Motivational

  • Divine Song List – Fuji Kaze Hana (Flower)

    Every time I hear Fujii Kaze sing, I think I know how you feel when you are enlightened. You are healed and or connected to the source. You are me, I am you, everything is connected, and the world reflects how you are. So, it is very important to keep your inner self clean. Right?…

  • Aiming for Healthy Elders

    I bought the magazine for the first time in a long time at Japanese bookstore Kinokuniya because my favorite comedian Emiko Kaminuma was on the cover and there was an interview article. Fujin Koron. (ladies’ public opinion magazine) The price is twice as much as the one sold in Japan because it is flown to…

  • one seed to million

    Today is IchiryuManbai bi, which means, The day when one grain yields much. I was thinking of getting a work-related certification, so I signed up for a site for that and immediately watched two tutorial videos. I watch a lot of Youtube in my free time, so I thought it would be better to watch…

  • decluttering is difficult

    I live in a small apartment, but I had to build a home office in a corner of my house. In the living room, I’m going to clear out the desk I have for my daughter that she doesn’t use and the “large shelf with miscellaneous things on it” next to it, and put a…

  • It was the winter solstice. Spiritual awakening day

    Dec. 21 was the winter solstice, the shortest daylight hours of the year (in the northern hemisphere). In spiritual circles, it was a big-time to spiritually wake up until yesterday! Two years ago, I heard from Mr. Yoshikazu Namiki that the gates close at the winter solstice, so I went to hear him talk about…