Aiming for Healthy Elders

I bought the magazine for the first time in a long time at Japanese bookstore Kinokuniya because my favorite comedian Emiko Kaminuma was on the cover and there was an interview article. Fujin Koron. (ladies’ public opinion magazine) The price is twice as much as the one sold in Japan because it is flown to the United States. Or more if you consider the exchange rate. But I am glad I bought it! It is worth reading.

What I liked about this magazine, which is aimed at seniors, was not only the pictures and interview with Emiko Kaminuma, which I was looking for, but also the stories of many active seniors. I was able to get a vision of what kind of retirement or end of life would be like. A 100+ year old active herbal pharmacist, an athlete in her 90s, or a celebrity who had a peaceful and idealistic end to her life…

When I watch the news, I see so many cases of people living a miserable old age, so I thought it would be good to consciously look at the good cases.

Since health is a common and serious theme, many articles were presented on how walking is a panacea and what people in general are doing to take care of their health.

the fortune-telling section also includes caregiving. No matter how old we get, our maidenly love remains the same.



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