Category: Japan

  • Divine song List – Creepy Nuts – Two way nice guy

    Scissors are useful but dangerous depending on how they are used. People could be nice and could be evil. They’re very similar. They sing about that stuff in rhymes and in a cool way. They became famous with bling bang bang born, and I got hooked on them so much. In “Two way nice guy” it goes, Everything you…

  • Aiming for Healthy Elders

    I bought the magazine for the first time in a long time at Japanese bookstore Kinokuniya because my favorite comedian Emiko Kaminuma was on the cover and there was an interview article. Fujin Koron. (ladies’ public opinion magazine) The price is twice as much as the one sold in Japan because it is flown to…

  • Cool Japanese Music Vol6 : King Gnu

    King Gnu’s first appearance on Kohaku was in 2019. I’ve seen their name on Yahoo News and other media, and I wondered how to pronounce it. G in here is an unpronounced letter. I know what gnu is. it’s a kind of cow. When I was watching Kohaku, I was probably watching it but not…

  • Cool Japanese Music Vol 5 : Fujii Kaze

    Happy New Year 2022! I’d say King Gnu is the next singer/band I’ve grown to love appeared in 2019 Kohaku but I wanted to write about Fujii Kaze’s first appearance in 2021 while it’s still hot in my memories. Fuji Kaze – Singing with a piano I found out about Kaze Fujii exactly one year…

  • Cool Japanese Music Vol 4. Utada Hikaru

    It was 1998 when I left Japan. In that year, Hikaru Utada made her debut. So did Ringo Sheena. When I came back to Japan, I can remember my brother asking me, “Do you know Utada Hikaru?” he talked excitedly about her. Hikaru seems to be good friends with her peer Ringo Sheena, and they…