Category: Anti-Aging

  • Aiming for Healthy Elders

    I bought the magazine for the first time in a long time at Japanese bookstore Kinokuniya because my favorite comedian Emiko Kaminuma was on the cover and there was an interview article. Fujin Koron. (ladies’ public opinion magazine) The price is twice as much as the one sold in Japan because it is flown to…

  • Curing Periodontitis by ultra soft toothbrush

    As I’m getting older, the signs of aging are becoming more apparent. I’m starting to get white hair, more wrinkles, and I easily get tired. Moreover, I have trouble falling asleep and often wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Although I try to be mindful of my daily…

  • Don’t Look Up : Netflix Movie : DiCaprio

    I watched Don’t look up, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, on Netflix. I saw something on Yahoo News about Master Leo and his young girlfriend. In the article, it says he only goes out with women under the age of 25. What? I thought. Well, they’re flirting, and I’m jealous. I Google DiCaprio’s name and saw that…

  • Gotta have this! – anti aging –

    Sometimes, when I look at Japanese sites, I see things like, “That thing in the refrigerator removed my age spot like a charm! or or “Boost your breasts by 3 cups! and other catchy phrases and easy-to-understand manga that tickle women’s fancy (even though they violate the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law), I can’t help but read…

  • Hermosa Beach Walk

    I had some stuff to buy at Wholefoods in Redondo Beach, and since I was bored and lacked exercise, I decided to walk along the beach. I parked my car on the road to go to the promenade between Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach. Hermosa Beach is always a difficult place to park. It was…