Peace Wing blog

Divine song List – Creepy Nuts – Two way nice guy
Scissors are useful but dangerous depending on how they are used. People could be nice and could be evil. They’re very similar. They sing about that stuff in rhymes and in a cool way. They became famous with bling bang bang born, and I got hooked on them so much. In “Two way nice guy” it goes, Everything you…
Divine Song List – Fuji Kaze Hana (Flower)
Every time I hear Fujii Kaze sing, I think I know how you feel when you are enlightened. You are healed and or connected to the source. You are me, I am you, everything is connected, and the world reflects how you are. So, it is very important to keep your inner self clean. Right?…
Aiming for Healthy Elders
I bought the magazine for the first time in a long time at Japanese bookstore Kinokuniya because my favorite comedian Emiko Kaminuma was on the cover and there was an interview article. Fujin Koron. (ladies’ public opinion magazine) The price is twice as much as the one sold in Japan because it is flown to…
Electricity Bill Savings
Electricity bills are still high in the winter. Looking at the bill, we pay more than last year because of the rate increase, even though we use less than last year. This is even more so since we use electricity for our cooking stove and hot water. I went to the website this time and…
Living on a budget and it’s hard
I noticed a feature called Manage and spending in the Chase bank’s app, so I took a look at it and was impressed by how clever it is, as well as the fact that I have been using it for a little over a month since I started using it because it was an area…
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