Had to take the Covid test for work
By now, a lot of people have taken the covid vaccine, about half of my friends haven’t but at work, I’m the only one who hasn’t got it. My boss told me to take a PCR test every two weeks. So I went to the free testing place.
There are 3 types of tests.
Antigen test: detects protein fragments specific to the Coronavirus. the result is fast.
PCR test: as seen on news and TV
Antibody test: To see if you have a covid antibody, you have those if you’ve got the covid or covid vaccine.
I had antibody
I took all three. The Antigen test result came after 15 minutes, it was negative. I was told other results will come in via email. After a few days, I haven’t got anything. After 10 days has passed, I logged in to the portal and I saw it says “Encounter for observation for suspected exposure to other biological agents ruled out” I wasn’t sure what that meant and felt uneasy, I called the help service and means, I have the antibody.
What? really? When ??
I was like which one? Oh, must be that… (sounds like another situation)
In 2019 around Thanksgiving time, I had a really bad cold with a fever up and down, felt fatigued, I have asthma so coughing was normal after getting cold but I had a very bad cough. It took me a while to feel OK again. That’s when I tried to avoid dairy and gluten because my macrobiotic friend advised me, and it helped me to recover.
My guess was, back then there weren’t any travel restrictions and the virus spreads pretty fast, not only me but lots of people had similar colds around me. uh, I don’t think I’m a spreader…
I looked up how long covid antibody lasts and says it lasts only about 5 months, that means the cold I got in July might be it? I recovered very quickly, but maybe that’s because I already got covid back then.
Years ago when I was required to take the mumps vaccine to study in the U.S, I remembered I had mumps when I was about 5 and I had an antibody test and didn’t have to take the vaccine. I had them 20 years later.
Wishing for antibody proof is admitted
I looked up if there’s an antibody proof replace vaccine proof and there isn’t such a thing so far. I thought natural gained antibody was better, don’t you think?
Staying at the same zip code (or in the same city) for a while.
I don’t live in New York, I’ve been there 1/4 century ago.