The Christmas season is coming.
I made this Psychedelic Mary and Baby Jesus Christ shirt. I don’t know who the original classic picture artist is, but the background is filled with lines and geometric patterns to make it colorful. I made it for homework in an art class a pretty long time ago.
Christmas is the day when Jesus Christ was born. My daughter went to a Christian pre-school, she was honored to play the role of Maria in the year-end Christmas party drama. There was no other candidacy.
Raising a baby is quite difficult. Since he was a child of God, was Jesus Christ a good-sleeping child, I wonder if Mary’s breastfeeding went well, Maria’s husband was supportive in raising Jesus Christ, or Joseph was like, “Well, he’s not my child” and he was scolded by God in his dream. Was the toilet training successful after one trial?
I wonder if there is no substitute for one mother’s feelings with other mothers.
I guess Maria was a big-hearted woman,
Do what you want, believe in your way, She believes in your child because your son is the child of God.
Of course, you don’t want him to do anything dangerous, but Jesus Christ rebelled the power of the world. It must be difficult for her to see him crucified at the end.
Children grow up and eventually, everyone (if healthy) becomes an adult. To see the kids grow up is both happy and sad because they go far away from you.
Occasionally, I feel nostalgic when I recall the old photos and the old days of an innocent smile.
In this picture, baby Jesus stares at the insects.
Maria is looking at her son lovingly. It is a portrait that cuts out such a moment.