I got a notice that says “Earn $25 reward when you buy $25+ of crypto with PayPal” Bitcoin now? Maybe you’ve heard a friend’s friend bought it a while ago with not much worth and now he/she’s a millionaire kinda story. it’s about $50,000 now, sounds too late to buy them but I can just spend $25 so that $2 5 will be back and it’s better than buying a lottery ticket. I decided to buy some. I should have bought it when Japanese popular actress and actor Gakki and Gen Hoshino got married, somehow cryptocurrency got a big drop back then to $30,000.-, 5/20/21
There was no option for $25.- to buy so I got $20 for Bitcoin, $20 for Ethereum. I waited for the reward to come but no mail. I read how to get a reward and it says $25 or more in one transaction. But there weren’t any options to buy for $25! I bought $50 more bitcoin.
Now I got a $25.- reward and the mail to confirm buying 0.00041872 and 0.00099071 bitcoin! That’s the smallest number I actually used in my life (that I’ve known)