Peace Wing blog

Still watching Terrace House and I draw cats
I’m watching episode 12~ around Kenny and Risako left the house. I like watching romantic stuff among them, but I also enjoy when they are talking about their life or work, life purposes, especially when they gave advice to Ruka, the youngest. I’ve watched American reality show series just once, “Apprentice” with Donald Trump. The…
I’ll get serious from tomorrow (or today)
Yesterday I was feeling sick but by the end of the day, I was feeling much better. I feel fine by the morning and can smell in the back of my nose, the feeling when I’m recovering from the cold. I didn’t go anywhere and just did chores I couldn’t do yesterday like vacuuming and…
Dark thoughts, sucked into the black hole
I was talking with my cousin in Japan, she read a book about a black hole is actually the start of everything. Blackhole is known to swallow everything. What will happen after that? I don’t know. about 4 years ago from now, I happened to make this design, “Blackhole – suck out that black thought…
Got cold, can’t say to others now.
I got a cold from 2,3 days ago. Started to sneeze a lot and snot the first two days, and today is the third day, feeling a little fever, not much though. 98.4 f (below covid guideline) I really think it’s just a cold, not covid but getting a little nervous. Should I test with…
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